Illustration Classes with Craig Orback

Illustrator Craig Orback have two new illustration classes starting next month at BellevueCollege. Please follow the links below if you would like to register.Also he has started a new illustration blog at It will have all the latest info on his current illustration projects with lots of great inside details, photos and sketches. You... Continue Reading →

It’s illustration Friday!

Illustration Friday is a weekly illustration challenge . Every Friday they post a new topic and you have all week to come up with your own interpretation. Topics are picked each week from a list of suggestion that have been emailed by participants. There's also an art forum meant to build a creative community, discuss... Continue Reading →

Good news for Wendy Wahman

DON'T LICK THE DOG has been accepted to the Society of Illustrators Original Art Show.Also, she wonders if anyone knows of a good but reasonably priced art framer. If you do, visit her at her blog (where you can see her amazing art), and drop a note.

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