December events!

Tuesday, December 1 Julie Bayless, Roar! (PB) University Bookstore, U District, 11AM Friday, December 4 PARKPLACE BOOKS ANNUAL HOLIDAY OPEN HOUSE, 7–9PM Last event in their current location! Holiday bash and benefit: give a gift of food or books RSVP to [email protected] or call 425-828-6546 Julie Bayless, Roar! (PB) Third Place Book Store, Ravenna, 7PM... Continue Reading →

Season’s meeting to all!

Fa-la-la-la-la! It's our annual Holiday Meeting! We're decking our (okay, Demaray's) halls with general merriment, holiday schmoozing, and COOKIES. Mark those calendars for NEXT THURSDAY, December 18, at 6:30 p.m. The night begins with our much-anticipated Cookie Contest (see *RULES, below) and Book Exchange––so get those recipe engines revving, and come with books you'd like... Continue Reading →

Children’s Writer/Illustrator Holiday Gift Guide

(Compiled by Kerri Kokias… in case Santa’s reading. Also as a disclaimer that these are just some of my personal favorites. There are a lot of other publications, resources and businesses writers/illustrators might support.) Supplies This can be a blank notebook/sketchbook, a nice pen, art supplies, software, or even a book of stamps to encourage... Continue Reading →

Christmas carol lyrics for writerly types

Looking for a little Christmas cheer? Then check out these Writerly Christmas Lyrics Contest winners over at Miss Snark's First Victim. You can even hear one of them being sung by Miss Madison Ross, a pretty awesome kid, here. And if that's not enough, go here to read all of the entries!

Not done with your holiday shopping yet?

Just in case you're a little behind (like me), here are some more holiday shopping links for you:InkyGirl posted this comprehensive list of "Holiday Gift Ideas For Writers, Librarians and Bibliophiles."Parker Peevyhouse, writing at The Spectacle, added a few more good ideas in her own list, here.And, of course, don't forget to support our local... Continue Reading →

A Watson family Christmas

Jesse Watson is having a Christmas sale:Merry Marley! Happy Hank! OK, that's going too far, but...From now until Christmas, I am offering HUGE discounts on everything Ihave to offer.20% off ALL books30% off ALL prints and posters40% off ALL original artwork50% off ALL cardsorder online or in person at theONE DAY WATSON HOLIDAY SALERichard and... Continue Reading →

December meeting book swap and book drive!

Martha reminded you about the meeting (and cookie contest!) this coming Tuesday, but she forgot to mention the holiday book swap/book drive! (I know. It's so unlike her, isn't it?) Anyway, here are the rules:Bring in your new or gently used books (up to 20).Take one ticket for each book you bring.Place your books on... Continue Reading →

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