SCBWI LA conference faculty interview: Greg Pincus

Greg Pincus, a member of the 2010 SCBWI summer conference faculty, is a man of many talents. He's a poet, novelist, screenwriter, volunteer elementary school librarian, and social media consultant. (Here's his really useful site.) He's also a poster-boy for what social media can do for a writer. After the mathematically inspired form of poetry... Continue Reading →

30 Poets in 30 Days

A pox upon us for being late with this. Greg Pincus is hosting the 2010 edition of 30 Poets in 30 Days, a celebration that coincides with National Poetry Month. He's assembled a terrific lineup of poets, and you can get daily deliveries in your inbox. What a treat! Click here for more. (Thanks to... Continue Reading →

Contest: Win a consultation with Greg Pincus

You'll remember Greg Pincus from our October Professional Series Meeting--he explained how savvy social media decisions helped him land a two-book deal with Arthur A. Levine Books.Now, Greg's giving away one of his amazing social media consultations. He'll give you advice on how you can better use technology to further your career (and those of... Continue Reading →

Why set up Google news alerts?

Greg Pincus has a great blog post about this feature. I've got several set up and can say he's right on the money. They help you monitor your own brand (and see when people mention your work), research topics, and stay up to date with industry news, among other things.I use them myself for researching... Continue Reading →

10 Facebook status update suggestions

Greg Pincus, our featured October speaker, has some great suggestions for those of us getting started on Facebook. Successful status messages get people engaged--they start little discussions:- Share your good news- Share a friend's good news- Ask a questionFor the rest, visit his blog post:

Oh, Greg Pincus, you make us laugh

We'll meet Greg soon at our October meeting, but meanwhile, get a load of the to-be-read book pile photos he's collecting.(Reminder: the meeting is Oct. 13, starting at 7 p.m. sharp. It features a mini-session with me on grammar, and a delicious full hour of Greg Pincus wisdom on social media and how it can... Continue Reading →

#Kidlit chat transcripts

If you've missed these industry-related "chats" on Twitter (and yes, I am using air quotes here because actual chats using actual chat room technology are a better experience, people), you will love the transcripts Greg Pincus is posting on his site.Here's the link.Notice how the transcripts are getting longer as these things catch on. Apparently... Continue Reading →

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