We've had fantastic feedback on the Great Critique today. It seems like just about everybody got something to take back to their work and make it better. Thanks to everybody for sharing your work, sharing your feedback, and making it such a wonderful, dynamic night! A humongous THANK YOU to our marvelous Critique Coordinator, Kerri... Continue Reading →
The Great Critique is Closed!
Just a friendly reminder that tonight's meeting, The Great Critique, is CLOSED. Only those that are preregistered will be able to attend, and we don't allow anyone to observe. The good news is, this is the only monthly meeting that required preregistration!The rest are open. Fear not, procrastinators! Information for our annual conference is coming... Continue Reading →
Registration is now open for The Great Critique!
Help your work evolve from good… to GREAT! Your SCBWI Western Washington Region will again present THE GREAT CRITIQUE during our first 2012 meeting on January 10, 2012. This popular event offers you the opportunity to experience a model critique group led by a published professional. This year’s critique group leaders include: Peggy King Anderson,Barbara Jean... Continue Reading →
Reminder: THE GREAT TONIGHT is TONIGHT (Tuesday, 1/11/2011)
Despite the predicted snowpocalypse tonight, we are ON for THE GREAT CRITIQUE! If you aren't comfortable driving, please stay home. We'd much rather have you safe and warm. If you're brave enough to venture out, please be prepared in case the weather turns nasty while we're soaking up great feedback on our works-in-progress. And, a... Continue Reading →
Still a few spots left in THE GREAT CRITIQUE!
Help your work evolve from good… to GREAT! Your SCBWI Western Washington Region will again present THE GREAT CRITIQUE during our first 2011 meeting on January 11, 2011. This popular event offers you the opportunity to experience a model critique group led by a published professional. This year’s critique group leaders include Peggy King Anderson, Donna Bergman,... Continue Reading →
Great Critique on Tuesday: participation limited
If you received confirmation that you're part of our annual Great Critique on Tuesday, Jan. 12, terrific.Registration starts at 6:45 and the meeting at 7 p.m., sharp. Please be prompt.If you did not receive confirmation that you're part of the Great Critique, please stay home. Use the evening to work on your writing--or read a... Continue Reading →
Registration for The Great Critique is now closed
Wow, the response for The Great Critique 2010 was phenomenal! Because it is part of our SCBWI Western Washington regional programming, we launched it first to those who have already paid for the 2009-2010 season. Even with the additional Great Critique spots we added this year, the event was sold out within 36 hours. You... Continue Reading →