Walter Dean Myers Grant Application - An Interview with co-chairs, Marietta Zacker and Caroline Tung Richmond Marietta Zacker has experience children’s books from every angle – teaching, marketing, publishing, and bookselling. She thrives on working with authors who make their readers feel their characters’ emotions and illustrators who add a different dimension to the... Continue Reading →
SCBWI Work-In-Progress awards
Now these are really something to consider if you have an ongoing project, whether in revision mode or taking up space in your file cabinet because you just aren't sure where to go next. SCBWI, that's where! Read all about how to submit and apply for their Work-In-Progress (WIP) awards, and maybe you will get... Continue Reading →
Apply for a 4Culture Project Grant
Two 4Culture grants to individuals are currently open for submission. 4Culture is the cultural arts organization for King County and their grants benefit King County residents. For creative artists and heritage-related projects by individuals, money for Art Projects and Heritage Projects is available. Both grants require a project proposal and other submission materials.Though these annual programs are... Continue Reading →
4Culture Individual Project Grants
Two local funding opportunities for Writers and Illustrators March 6 & April 15 King County based artists and writers are eligible to apply to 4Culture for Individual Artist Project Grants. Applications are due March 6 and are submitted online. For this opportunity, you will need to outline a project and a budget, as well as... Continue Reading →
SCBWI work-in-progress grants
Set your timers, mark your calendars (if you, like me, still do that!), and pay attention! Between February 15–March 15, applications will be received for this year's SCBWI Works-In-Progress grants. For more information, click here. We'll be circling back and reminding all you as the deadlines get going. But for now, start imagining what you'll... Continue Reading →
4Culture Grants
4Culture, King County's cultural arts organization, is accepting applications for Individual Artist Project grants with a deadline of March 9 for the online application. Grants may support The development of new workThe interpretation of existing workThe presentation of new work or collection of worksSupport professional development of an artist (e.g. workshop, conference, residency)Support the rental... Continue Reading →