We love a book event for a good cause! Anna Davies is in Seattle doing readings for her YA novel Wrecked! First event: Secret Garden Books in Ballard, 7pm on Friday, June 8th. 10% of book sale proceeds from this event will go to Camp Goodtimes West, a camp for children with cancer and their siblings. ... Continue Reading →
How to Write Like I Do
How to Write Like I DoNot like I do. Like they do.826 Seattle presents their 2011 Series of Adult Writing Workshops, starting in March with Keef Knight's "How to be a Working Cartoonist- or just look like one!" Guest speakers offer monthly workshops on all aspects of the writing craft, and the proceeds go to... Continue Reading →
Dish Up Literacy!
Save the cooking for another night and help out Page Ahead! Tomorrow night, Thursday, September 30th, you can stop by Smokin Pete's BBQ, Tutta Bella, or another participating eatery, and they'll donate at least 20% of the proceeds. Help one of our favorite local organizations and spare yourself of having to do the dishes.More details... Continue Reading →
Help Tennessee flood victims
This comes from Tracy Barrett, the RAE from the SCBWI Midsouth chapter: Most of you have heard, I'm sure, about the horrendous rains and flooding in Nashville and surrounding areas. As far as I know, all Midsouth members are accounted for. Cheryl's home was four houses away from the evacuation zone! Several of my friends... Continue Reading →
Operation Teen Book Drop! #operationtbd
Oh, the excitement! - 10,000 books donated by publishers are being delivered to teens on Native reservations and tribal lands. (Learn more here.) - Regular folk are buying books off the Powell's wish list to send to two additional schools. - Authors around the country are leaving books in secret locations for teens to find.... Continue Reading →
Join Kirby Larson at a luncheon for Page Ahead
If you care about kids and books, consider joining Kirby Larson at a table for 10 at the Page Ahead luncheon fundraiser on May 12! There are only two seats left at the table! Please join in to help raise money for an organization whose goal is to give a book to every single at-risk... Continue Reading →
Help save a moon bear
Check out this inspiring effort to save an endangered Asian bear called the Moon Bear, part of a promotional effort around Brenda Z. Guiberson's book, MOON BEAR.See the campaign here.
Mentor a student
The following comes from a student who's looking for a mentor: Dear Writers, Hello, my name is Shayla Smith and I am currently a senior at Everett High School. As a graduation requirement we must complete a project that relates to something we want to pursue in the future. I personally have always loved writing... Continue Reading →
Hone your skills, contribute to a great cause
Katherine Grace Bond (who recently got an agent--congratulations!) has put together a terrific writing workshop to raise money for a music program. Here are the details: Call & Response: An All-Day Event for Writers & DreamersSaturday, March 27 from 9:30-4:00 in Monroe, $25! Who: Janet Lee Carey, Margaret D. Smith, Molly Blaisdell, Katherine Grace Bond,... Continue Reading →
Arts funding in jeopardy
Dana Sullivan sent this along:Friends - This is a little dense but important. I'm writing to ask you to help 4Culture out with its legislation currently being considered in both houses of the legislature in Olympia. Please write your legislators today to ask for their support of arts and culture funding in King County. Tonight... Continue Reading →