We'll meet Greg soon at our October meeting, but meanwhile, get a load of the to-be-read book pile photos he's collecting.(Reminder: the meeting is Oct. 13, starting at 7 p.m. sharp. It features a mini-session with me on grammar, and a delicious full hour of Greg Pincus wisdom on social media and how it can... Continue Reading →
This just sort of seems like a scene…
...from a middle-grade novel.
Gratuitous giggle
Cheryl Klein takes a spin on a Segway scooter. Is the ending comic, tragic...or both?
Okay, this is mean but…
May we all have such success with our writing that the U.K. Telegraph devotes space to dissecting our twenty worst sentences, as they've done with Dan Brown.A teaser:16. The Da Vinci Code, chapter 4: A voice spoke, chillingly close. "Do not move." On his hands and knees, the curator froze, turning his head slowly. Only... Continue Reading →
When writer’s block hits
Need a story starter? Our charming hospitality host Annie Gage is having fun these days with FML.The ML stands for My Life. You can probably figure out what the F stands for.It's a website that captures anonymous stories of lives gone horribly and sometimes comically wrong (and yes, they have a book deal).Check it out.
Jolie’s tweets from last night’s meeting
The good news is, Jolie tweeted last night's meeting with Elana Roth, marking all her posts with the #Chinook hash tag.The bad news is, that is also the hash tag that people use when discussing a certain type of military helicopter. Still, to get a quick recap of Elana's points about plot (and some German... Continue Reading →
A page-turner that will keep you in stitches
Forgive the puns; enjoy the video.Book from Christopher Galasso on Vimeo.
Cover model smackdown
Two shirtless males, two very different types of publishing. One is Tom Thumb, by Richard Jesse Watson and modeled by his son, Benjamin James Watson, the team that brought us THE BOY WHO WENT APE.The other is Mr. Romance, showing his burly business in a cover shoot. Yes, then we are all agreed. Mr. Romance,... Continue Reading →
Create your own YA cover
From @kimberlycbaker's Twitter feed: Follow the steps to create a fake cover for your YA novel.
Query lessons from Barry Goldblatt
Swiped from the Twitter feed of @barrygoldblatt, who reps some of the biggest names in our business:Query Lessons: 208,000 words??? You're completely out of your mind. And I think that's a record.4 minutes ago from web Query Lessons: If the first line of your letter says you can't find any good books for teens, then... Continue Reading →