How to write badly, well

Here's an entry from a blog blog that makes fun of common errors and bad approaches in writing:Write thinly-veiled, self-aggrandising autobiographical fiction Joe Stockley paced the floor of his office and cursed under his breath. Dammit, he thought, why am I such a brilliant writer that no-one ever understands the depth and complexity of my... Continue Reading →

Book publicity: a funny take

Before we get to the funny, here's a good summary of what a first-time author can expect from a publisher's publicity department. In other words, don't expect billboards and such.Here's the start of a Shouts & Murmurs letter to an author: Hi, Ellis—Let me introduce myself. My name is Gineen Klein, and I’ve been brought... Continue Reading →

Betsy Lerner on bad business lunches

I read Lerner's THE FOREST FOR THE TREES years ago and enjoyed it (an editing guide). But I might like this roundup of worst-ever business lunches even more. Here's a taste: “Hm, oh god, worse lunch date ever, but there are so many to choose from! Probably my first one. I was a baby editor... Continue Reading →

A blog I’m loving

It's the Rejectionist. And I can't seem to stop reading. Here's a sample entry:Tuesday, September 29, 2009Topics That Are Not, In Fact, of Inherent Interest, and Do Require Some Effort On Your Part in Order to Constitute a Successful BookAlcoholism (of self, of parents), amulet discovery, autism, being a musician, being a twenty-year-old musician with... Continue Reading →

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