Mark your calendars for Write-O-Rama Dec. 7

Hugo House, Seattle's only entire building devoted to writers and writing, will hold its next fundraising (and motivation-raising) Write-O-Rama on Saturday, December 7. This event is a great way to play musical chairs with writing instructors, creative ideas, skills, genres, and techniques, experimenting all day long and pumping up your creative muscles for a good... Continue Reading →

Wendy Wahman’s Mitten Drive

Great news from Wendy Wahman, illustrator of the forthcoming Snowboy 1, 2, 3, which was written by her husband, Joe Wahman. She writes: We're having a mitten drive to celebrate the launch of the book. Your mittens will be delivered to kids who will need them this winter. Please send new or lightly worn children's mittens... Continue Reading →

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