For those of you at the monthly Professional Series meeting who heard firsthand from Panda Chronicler Anne Belov and her Kickstarter experiences, here are two more locals who have forged a path along the same lines of crowd sourcing support for their writing projects. Brenda Winter Hanson dives into crowd-sourced funding for her mermaid novel.... Continue Reading →
Funding Opportunity for Seattle Artists
Seattle-based artists working in the visual, literary and media arts may apply for set award amounts of either $2,000 or $4,000 to support projects in 2012. City Artist Projects is an annual funding program that provides support to individual Seattle artists to develop and present new, in-progress or remounted works taken to the next stage.... Continue Reading →
Hey Artists, Want Some Money?
It's a rather silly question. Laurie sent the Update this link about opportunities to get paid doing what you love to do!! Artist Trust, a nonprofit that supports the work of artists, has expanded its web site to include a directory of funding opportunities (grants, fellowships, awards, residencies, etc.) among other resources, for individuals. Check... Continue Reading →