Jill Grinberg on Her Editorial Process

As part of our fall programming, agent Jill Grinberg presented a workshop last Friday on the revision work she does with her clients. Attendees were treated to an inside view of the editorial process based on case studies, and they walked away with ideas for taking a fresh look at their own work. Jill has... Continue Reading →

The Perfect Article for Monday Morning

Before you pull out your WIP or get ready to create something new and amazing, grab your cup of coffee (or tea) and take a few moments to read this Publishers' Weekly article, "Giving Birth to Bitterblue." BITTERBLUE is Author Kristin Cashore's third novel (which was #2 on the New York Times Bestseller list two weeks... Continue Reading →

Just What *Does* An Editor Do All Day?

Here's a great post by Editor Stacy Whitman on what an editor's job looks like (they don't just read all day!). It's very informative, and helps you see things from the editor's perspective! Thanks to Liz Mills for sending it!!

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