BIG shout-out to Julie P!

GREAT NEWS for Julie Paschkis, who won the Cybil Award for poetry! Julie Paschkis has won the prestigious Cybil award in Poetry for her bi-lingual picture book, Flutter and Hum. Beautifully illustrated poems in English and Spanish celebrate words and all they can mean in our world.    Cybil Award Winner! Julie with her prized... Continue Reading →

Get ready for the Cybils!

It's that time of year again, time for the CYBILS, Children's and Young Adult Bloggers' Literary Awards 2009!An impressive crop of kidlit bloggers has come together to make this event happen, including many of the terrific folks we met at last year's kidlit blogger conference (click here for info on this year's conference, November in... Continue Reading →

Be a Cybils ’09 judge

The Cybils are a literary award given by bloggers across all categories of children's literature. They're looking for judges: The Cybils '09 season is launching soon and we need judges in every genre of children's and YA literature. If you:blog about some aspect of children's or teen books on at least a somewhat consistent basis;or... Continue Reading →

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