Help your work evolve from good… to GREAT! Your SCBWI Western Washington Region will again present THE GREAT CRITIQUE during our first 2012 meeting on January 10, 2012. This popular event offers you the opportunity to experience a model critique group led by a published professional. This year’s critique group leaders include: Peggy King Anderson,Barbara Jean... Continue Reading →
Northern Network Schmooze on November 2–All About Critique Groups
Critical Alert!! Critical Alert!! Critical Alert!! Mark your calendars for the November meeting of the Northern Network! We will meet on Wednesday, November 2 to talk about critique groups. Are you in one? Have you been in one in the past? How do critique groups work? Learn the ins and outs of critiquing others' work and... Continue Reading →
Picture Book Critique Group
Fellow SCBWI WWA members Jennifer Reynolds and Julia Cousineau are looking for other members interested in forming a Picture Book Critique Group. They meet for critiquing on Tuesdays, from 5-6:30 p.m, prior to the monthly SCBWI regional programming meetings. They initially meet at the entrance of Demaray Hall (the location for Professional Meetings). Please email... Continue Reading →
Worth Repeating: Critique Guidelines & Tips
Are you part of a critique group? If not, you can be! SCBWI has a wonderful Critique Coordinator, Kerri Kokias, who can help you join or start a group (Kerri and I were in a critique group that I started in West Seattle). I can't emphasize what being part of a critique group has done... Continue Reading →