The Library of Congress has started the process of filling the position of Register of Copyrights, formerly held by the much-admired Maria Pallante. Pallante was removed from office on October 21 by the new Librarian of Congress, Dr. Carla Hayden. In an unprecedented move, the Library is first seeking public input on the qualifications for the incoming... Continue Reading →
Secrets of the Copyright Page
Ever wondered what those numbers and lines of text mean on copyright pages? Scholastic's blog, On Our Minds, has the answers!
WLA Seminar on Copyright Lawsuits
COPYRIGHT LAWSUITS:When Someone Copies Your Art, Music or Writing...or They Think You've Copied TheirsNo one expects to be involved in a lawsuit. Most people would rather not even think about the possibility of litigation. But what if your client finds that a song or story he or she has written, or a print he or... Continue Reading →