Highlights 2010 fiction contest

The prize is $1,000 or tuition for the Highlights Foundation Writers Workshop at Chautauqua. Read on!HIGHLIGHTS 2010 FICTION CONTESTCATEGORY: Fiction based on a true story from your family.PRIZES: Three prizes of $1,000 or tuition for the Highlights Foundation Writers Workshop at Chautauqua.ENTRY DATES: All entries must be postmarked between Jan. 1 and Jan. 31, 2010.More... Continue Reading →

Good news for Erik Brooks

The Orange County Children's Book Festival is Sunday, Oct. 4, 2009. The Festival is free to attend and is expected to draw 20,000 people. JacketFlap held a contest for authors and illustrators to win space in the booth to display, sign and sell their books. Our own Erik Brooks is one of the winners. About... Continue Reading →

Lee and Low new voices contest

Don't know how I missed this, but it's the last day to enter.From their site:About the AwardLEE & LOW BOOKS, award-winning publisher of children’s books, is pleased to announce the tenth annual NEW VOICES AWARD. The Award will be given for a children’s picture book manuscript by a writer of color. The Award winner receives... Continue Reading →

Ongoing monthly writing contest

Call for Contest Submissions: Enter your unpublished short work (under1,000) for a chance to win $50 and a notch in your publishing belt. TheStudent Choice Contest of the Northwest Institute of Literary Arts (alsoknown as the Whidbey Writers Workshop) is open to writers of all ages andgenres. The contest begins the first day of every... Continue Reading →

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