Our critique group coordinator Lois Brandt sends this along:Children's Writer is having a science writing contest. Deadline is February 27. These are great contests, free to subscribers. If you don't subscribe the $13 reading fee with get you an eight month subscription to their excellent newsletter.Science:An article on a science topic for age 11, to... Continue Reading →
You feelin’ lucky?
Kathy Temean has gathered a number of contests on her blog (alas, nothing for picture book writers/illustrators). As with all contests, do check the fine print before you enter.
Enter the Highlights fiction contest
The Highlights 2010 fiction contest is now open (entries have to be in between Jan. 1 and Jan. 31). The prize is $1,000 or tuition for the Highlights Foundation Writers Workshop at Chautauqua. Read on!HIGHLIGHTS 2010 FICTION CONTESTCATEGORY: Fiction based on a true story from your family.PRIZES: Three prizes of $1,000 or tuition for the... Continue Reading →
Should you enter a writing contest?
A couple of weeks ago, we told you about the Amazon Breakthrough Contest and their new YA category. Well, today Nathan Bransford, literary agent at Curtis Brown, posted his advice about entering contests:"The absolute most important advice I can give you is this: read and understand the fine print.Know what you're entering. Know what happens... Continue Reading →
Fun contest for an ARC of Joni Sensel’s TIMEKEEPER’S MOON!
If you or someone you know has always wanted to be a Farwalker’s apprentice (without having to walk very far), or if you just like ARCs, or even if you just like contests... I found this very imaginative and fun one over at the Spectacle.Writer Joan Stradling has set up a cool contest that can... Continue Reading →
Amazon and Penguin’s Breakthrough Novel Award adds YA category!
The Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award for 2010 will add a separate category for young-adult fiction. The winner will receive a publishing contract with Penguin, which includes a $15,000 advance. From Amazon:If you're an author with an unpublished or previously self-published novel waiting to be discovered, visit CreateSpace to learn more about the next Breakthrough Novel... Continue Reading →
Baking cookies? Post on your blog
Julie Reinhardt sent along a link to a "Cookie Crawl" contest and a clever idea.If you're bringing cookies to the meeting tonight, why not promote your blog, as well? The Cookie Crawl info is here, with links to the rules. You might find some crossover readers in the cookie-baking crowd.
250-word YA novel contest from Sourcebooks–November only!
Sourcebooks (in conjunction with NaNoWriMo, the Gotham Writer’s Workshop, and some guest judges from a variety of publishing houses) is hosting a 250-word YA Novel contest to encourage would-be YA authors.If you have a YA novel--or a YA novel idea--you can submit the FIRST 250 words for a chance to have the idea seen by... Continue Reading →
Contest for completed YA novels
Literary agent Anna Webman of Curtis Brown Ltd. wants to see your stuff! She has generously agreed to peruse the first five pages plus a synopsis of your YA novel. The details:This contest is for completed Young Adult novels only. (All the genres that fall under the YA umbrella.)The contest will open this Tuesday, November... Continue Reading →
Feelin’ competitive?
Then check out the contests Writer's Digest is offering.