The definition of edgy

Elizabeth Law, one of the editors coming out for our spring conference, defined "edginess" this way on Twitter: EgmontGal: Guys, if anyone cares, characters having sex does not make a book edgy to me. Edgy is boundary pushing in literariness or plot #yalitchat

Thoughts on attending the NY conference

I pulled this out of our comments--some great advice on when you're ready for the NY SCBWI conference.Cuppa Jolie said...It's a great conference and chance to experience NY and be on the publishers' home turf--a huge piece I love about it.That said, I don't think the local conference should be missed, but if you can... Continue Reading →

Conference faculty update

Elizabeth Law from Egmont USA is now confirmed as a member of our spring conference faculty. For a good time, follow her on Twitter: more about the annual conference, visit our website.

SCBWI Winter Conference in New York

Registration is now open. I've never gone--how about you? I'd love it if people who've attended can weigh in on the pros and cons of attendance. Who is best served by this conference? Who should focus first on our local conference?Discuss!

Winter SCBWI Conference in NYC!

The 11th Annual SCBWI International Winter Conference will take place January 29-31st at the Hyatt Grand Central in New York City. The schedule is complete and registration will go live next week! Conference info is already on line, though. Check it out.

Sneak a peek at our spring conference lineup

Guess who's coming to our spring conference? So far we have: Jay Asher, Peter Brown, Mitali Perkins and...Editors, Agents, and Art DirectorElizabeth Law, Publisher and Executive Editor, Egmont USAJordan Brown, Walden Pond Press and Balzer & Bray, HarperCollinsLynne Polvino, ClarionLisa Graff, Farrar, Straus, and GirouxTim Gillner, Boyds Mills PressSara Crowe, Agent, Harvey KlingerMichael Bourret, Agent,... Continue Reading →

Get ready for the Cybils!

It's that time of year again, time for the CYBILS, Children's and Young Adult Bloggers' Literary Awards 2009!An impressive crop of kidlit bloggers has come together to make this event happen, including many of the terrific folks we met at last year's kidlit blogger conference (click here for info on this year's conference, November in... Continue Reading →

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