Describe your most recent release in one sentence. It’s Ultimate Predatorpedia, a photo-packed nonfiction book for 7-to-10-year-olds (and older!) about predators from Aardwolves to Zorillas. What made you want to become a writer? I always loved to write and illustrate stories when I was little, but I never really thought about being A Writer until my sixth-grade... Continue Reading →
Passive Voice Article
Fellow SCBWI member Christina Wilsdon sent us this link (thanks Christina!). Nancy Pearl reposted an article discussing the merits of selected use of the passive voice by another author. It's a good article to check out! And make sure you visit Christina's website.
Good News & Launch Party for Christina Wilsdon
Congratulations to Christina Wilsdon! Her book FOR HORSE-CRAZY GIRLS ONLY was published by Feiwel & Friends, an imprint of Macmillan, September 28, 2010! Here's the Macmillian link. Christina says she has loved horses all her life, and is mom to a horse-crazy daughter, so she's really excited about this book. She also says it was... Continue Reading →
Studio tours: Christina Wilsdon
For more than a decade my office was upstairs in our house--it was a sizable room that led into a weird smaller room with a sloping roof and lots of storage space; I could watch the crows land on the neighbor's roof to sip water from the gutters. But my preteen daughter held me to... Continue Reading →