The kids are all right!

As in, they chose right!  After posting that Dana Sullivan, Bonny Becker, and Dori Butler all received mention in the International Literacy Association's Children's Choices Reading List for 2015, well, they're ALSO in this year's Children's Choice Reading List! BAM! 2 for 2! Wonderful news, and wonderful books, all. Congratulations! To see the full list,... Continue Reading →

The children have chosen

This just in.... The International Literacy Association's Children's Choices Reading List for 2015 is out. And how! In the complete list of all the chosen books for all ages, there are a few familiar names––such as Dana Sullivan, Bonnie Becker, and Dori Butler. Very cool list, very cool to see familiar names on it, and... Continue Reading →

Congrats to a Children’s Choice winner!

Member Emily Krieger's first book, National Geographic Kids: Myths Busted!, won this year's Children's Choice Fifth/Sixth Grade Book of the Year award. She says, "I'm thrilled! During my speech I gave a shout-out to my beloved city, Seattle, for being such a supportive place for creative endeavors (and I also locked eyes with Rush Limbaugh---definitely... Continue Reading →

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