Book trailer by Jennifer Wolf

Jennifer Wolf made this book trailer for SING ME TO SLEEP. Contact her if you're interesting in her services, or her advice if you're going to do it on your own. davenjenwolf AT

Eye candy of the day

The New Zealand Book Council has an eye-popping way of promoting reading. Check it out if you need a break from actual productivity:Thanks to Liz Mills for the link.

Book trailer by Jennifer Wolf

Here's a book trailer Jennifer did for Bobbie Pyron’s YA book, “The Ring”. Jennifer has a bachelor’s degree in communications/broadcasting and she loves to do trailers. She offers a discount to SCBWI Western Washington members and is willing to offer her two cents to anyone who is trying to do a trailer on their own.Contact... Continue Reading →

What makes a great book trailer?

Darcy Pattison's blog had a post awhile back about the makings of an effective book trailer, featuring the thoughts of Lisa Gottlieb. She boiled a good trailer down into six words: Economic Focused Editing; Authentic Emotional Entertainment.To learn more, visit Darcy's site.

Ann Gonzalez class and book trailer

One of Ann Gonzalez's students liked her class enough to make a book trailer for RUNNING FOR MY LIFE, Ann's novel that grew out of NaNoWriMo.And speaking of her classes, the next session of her Writing for Teens and Tweens is set to start on September 13. This is a no risk class -- $100... Continue Reading →

Book trailers compiled

Shelftalker has put together a list of trailers and tribute videos for several new books.If you know of companies that make trailers for local authors, let us know and we will compile.

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