Come and join Fellow SCBWI WWA member Stephanie Guerra as she reads from her debut YA novel, TORN, at Secret Garden books on Sunday, May 20, at 5 p.m. TORN is realistic fiction that explores a dangerous friendship, and poses the question: how far would you go to help a friend? You can check... Continue Reading →
Kevin Emerson Book Launch
Come and join Fellow SCBWI WWA member Kevin Emerson as he reads from the first book in his brand new YA series, THE LOST CODE: BOOK ONE OF THE ATLANTEANS at Secret Garden books on Friday May 25, at 7 p.m. Kevin Emerson's thrilling novel is BOOK ONE OF THE ATLANTEANS series--perilous adventures... Continue Reading →
Stephanie Barden Book Launch
Come celebrate with fellow SCBWI WWA member Stephanie Barden at the launch of the second book in her CINDERELLA SMITH series, CINDERELLA SMITH- THE MORE THE MERRIER, this Saturday, April 28, from 1-3 p.m. at Mockingbird Books in Seattle. This party is especially for kids! There will be games, crafts, treats and even gifts-with-purchase. (Actually just gifts for... Continue Reading →
Jennifer Shaw Wolf Book Birthday!!!
Congratulations and Happiest Book Birthday wishes to fellow SCBWI WWA member Jennifer Shaw Wolf! Her book, BREAKING BEAUTIFUL, releases today!!! You can celebrate with Jennifer today at her launch party at Fireside Bookstore in Olympia from 5-7 p.m. (116 Legion Way SE, Olympia). She will also be collecting donations for SafePlace Women's Shelter in Olympia. Here's a link... Continue Reading →
Ben Clanton Book Launch & Signing
Hey, you! Yes, you with the dazzling smile! The donkey wants your vote. So does the elephant. And each will do just about anything to win your support. Brag? Sure! Flatter? Absolutely! Exaggerate, name-call, make silly promises and generally act childish? Yes, yes, yes, and yes.Head on over to Secret Garden, on Thursday April 5,... Continue Reading →
Due to snow and flu we have had to reschedule the DRAGONSWOOD Book Launch Party. The Party will now be held on Saturday February 25th, 6:30-9:00 p.m. at the same venue Parkplace Books in Kirkland. Same food, same dragon dance, same mask making and celebrating -- just a new date to pop onto the calendar.... Continue Reading →
News from Holly Cupala
Holly Cupala just uploaded a sneak preview of DON'T BREATHE A WORD (which Booklist compared to SPEAK!). Here's the link!She is also planning a book launch party for January 7, location to be unveiled...! You can find out more information on the book's website.
Helen Landalf Book Launch
Please join Helen Landalf in celebrating the launch of her debut YA novel, FLYAWAY.Where: Secret Garden Books in BallardWhen: Wednesday, Dec. 14, at 7 p.m.What: Refreshments, music, prizes, reading, book-signingHelen hopes to see you all there! For more information on Helen, and her work, visit her website.
Paul Schmid Book Launch Party
Come celebrate Paul Schmid's new book, HUGS FROM PEARL, at the Secret Garden Books book launch! The event is on Tuesday, November 22, starting at 7 p.m. Here's the link to the event. For more information on Paul, and his work, visit his website.
Stasia Ward Kehoe Book Launch!!
Fellow SCBWI WWA member STASIA WARD KEHOE is celebrating the launch of her debut novel, AUDITION, at Barnes & Noble Woodinville (18025 Garden Way, NE, Woodinville, WA) on Tuesday, October 18, from 6-7 p.m. Enjoy some AUDITION and arts book chat, plus prizes, treats, and performances by local teens from Evergreen Family Theater, Woodinville Dance... Continue Reading →