SCBWI Pro Insider Newsletter provided a helpful list of book fairs and festivals to watch for in the coming year. We are reproducing this information to help give our members an idea of some of the important gatherings in the kidlit business.
Submit to Wordstock by July 31
Author! Author! Wordstock: Portland’s Book Festival is accepting applications for inclusion. The Festival will re-launch as a one-day event at the Portland Art Museum on Saturday, November 7, 2015. The 2015 Wordstock Festival submission period is January 5 to July 31, 2015. The Wordstock Festival will consider books in the following genres: Fiction — all... Continue Reading →
Upcoming: Mazama Festival of Books
Mark your calendars now! The second annual Mazama Festival of Books is coming, September 7-8. Featuring YA author Dia Calhoun and paper-cut artist Nikki McClure. For more details, author lineup, locations, etc., click here. Get your carpools ready, pack your sunscreen, and get set to enjoy a bounty of authors and bibliophilia!
Seattle Book Fest 2009
Secret Garden Bookshop, has produced a fantastic line-up of local talent in the world of children’s literature for the Kids Stage at Book Fest 2009! The offerings include:29 authors and illustrators and 4 publishers representativesincluding Sara Anderson, Kevin Emerson, Martha Brockenbrough, Matthew Porter, Kathryn O. Galbraith, Bonny Becker, and Wendy Wahman, among many othersdoing 14... Continue Reading →