Tips for writing first drafts

Natalie Whipple has a great blog post on the art of the first draft: Oh, the first draft. Some people like them—some people hate them with the fire of a thousand vengeful ex-girlfriends. But no matter how you feel about that first draft, you have to write it! There is no getting around it, promise.My... Continue Reading →

Being positive about rejection

Darcy Pattison's blog has a bit today from an ebook called Nail Your Novel (just in time for NaNoWriMo). It's about how to read the rejections you get from editors.I loved this line: Persistence. The publishing world is full of tales of how our biggest literary stars just plugged away until they got their break.... Continue Reading →

Does self-editing make you crazy?

Here's an interesting take by Sean D'Souza on why we self-edit and what we need to do to get over it. (Hint: write more. Lots more.)Write. Edit. Write. Edit. Edit. Edit. Edit. Write.Does this sound familiar? If it doesn’t then you’re probably from Mars, because most of us drive ourselves crazy with self-editing when we... Continue Reading →

Writing through interruptions

Here's a thought-provoking quote:”You can revise bad writing, but you cannot revise a blank page. Give yourself permission to write junk, then fix it.”For the rest of a helpful Kristi Holl piece on writing through interruptions, click here.

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