A Barry good week!

For those of you who were able to participate in The Week of Goldblatt, we can only imagine you are still pinching yourself. The NYC-based agency head swept us away with his incisive and constructive manuscript feedback, his thoughtful and encouraging master class, and his illuminating presentation at the monthly meeting. When it was all... Continue Reading →

Barry wants YOU! Spaces available!

This isn't an April Fool's joke. This is real. This is happening. And if you get in on the action, it can happen for YOU! This is an opportunity to learn how to make your writing sing (and ring).  You'll want to MOOve on this, so register now! (See below for details.) On Thursday afternoon, Oct.... Continue Reading →

Countdown to WEDNESDAY!

BARRY GOLDBLATT. HE'S COMING TO A SEATTLE PACIFIC UNIVERSITY NEAR YOU. Start your engines. Our season is opening on Wednesday. Seattle Pacific University, Demaray Hall. 7pm. Agent Barry Goldblatt. Be there. SCBWI-WWA's 2015-16 season of monthly programming begins Wednesday, October 21. Buckle up and hang on!

The Barry Goldblatt Interview

Welcome to  SCBWI-WWA's 2015-16  First Evening of Monthly Programming   Wednesday, October 21, 7–9pm Seattle Pacific University, Demaray Hall featuring: The One, The Only  BARRY GOLDBLATT We had an opportunity to ask Barry some pertinent questions in advance of his arrival. Besides being the honcho of Barry Goldblatt Literary, LLC, there are other sides to... Continue Reading →

Chuck at the Guide to Literary Agents blog reports a new agent on the loose at Barry Goldblatt Literary (do bookmark Chuck's blog if you're looking for an agent--so useful).Beth Fleisher is a former editor, working for The Berkeley Publishing Group. Her passions are science fiction, fantasy and graphic novels, though she handles all kinds... Continue Reading →

Query lessons from Barry Goldblatt

Swiped from the Twitter feed of @barrygoldblatt, who reps some of the biggest names in our business:Query Lessons: 208,000 words??? You're completely out of your mind. And I think that's a record.4 minutes ago from web Query Lessons: If the first line of your letter says you can't find any good books for teens, then... Continue Reading →

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