Join in for thrills and spills (hey, not on my nice clothes!) and maybe a dirty limerick or two, when the provincial panda shows up in the big city for her art opening! Come to Anne Belov's two-person art show (with Jennifer Frohwerk) and reception first, from 1:30–3:30pm at nearby Ida Culver House (2315 NE 65th, between... Continue Reading →
Member’s artwork displayed
Member Anne Bellov will have her work displayed in a two-person show in Seattle that opens next Saturday, Jan. 25. She'll be at a reception from 1 - 3:00 p.m. at Ida Culver House, which is at 2315 NE 65th Street. She says, "The theme of the show, 'Ordinary Illuminated,' is one I've been involved... Continue Reading →
Tonight’s the night!
Art by Dana Sullivan It's here. Our Winter Celebration. The party, exhibit, and cookie-fest of the year! By now, your eyes are blurred from our flurry of reminders and factoids. But because we love you, and want to see you, here are several eensy-weensy tidbits to keep in mind before you hit the road: 1.... Continue Reading →
Just thinkin’ about…tomorrow!
Art by Dana Sullivan Tomorrow night. SCBWI WWA's fabulous Winter Celebration. 6-9pm. WA State Convention Center. Art, cookies, good news, good friends, and good tidings. (There is going to be so much fun that Madeline herself will risk being grounded by Miss Clavel in order to partake in the festivities!) Lest you forget: ––There will... Continue Reading →
Two days until….
Art by Dana Sullivan "And now," said Max, "let the delicious cookies be eaten!" Will you come help us eat them? Please? Pretty please with sprinkles on top? Come join the rumpus this Thursday night, Dec. 12, and stuff your brain with good news and your mouth with good eats, and hey, we can't help... Continue Reading →
Convention Center countdown
Art by Dana Sullivan Why? Because we want to celebrate the season with you! Because there will be cookies! Because the art will blow you away! And because, shucks, we like you! See you Thursday. (But we'll keep bugging you between now and then, anyway.)
Meet the Artist #2
As part of the hoopla around our first-ever public exhibition of illustrations by SCBWI WWA artists, Update will post a mini-profile of each,* in completely random order, between now and the exhibit's closure in early January. Read about 'em here, or check them ALL out online here, or go see their work in person at... Continue Reading →
Discover our now-famous illustrators on STQRY!
As part of the shindiggity fun around our first-ever public Illustrator's Exhibit now on public display at the Washington State Convention Center in Seattle, event coordinator and futurist Tina Hoggatt has introduced us to a spiffy way to check out the participating artists and their work online. It's at STQRY, which is... a new thingy.... Continue Reading →
The illustrators were met…and how!
Saturday's "Make Art and Meet the Illustrators" Day was just glorious. We all owe Tina Hoggatt, our Public Event Coordinator, a big, fat thanks for putting together our first-ever illustrator show at the Convention Center and then coordinating this day of art-making. Another load of big thanks goes to the many illustrators who got messy... Continue Reading →
DaVinci does Spokane!
Spokane's MAC museum is hosting a major DaVinci exhibit over the summer. Included are numerous mechanical models based on his drawings and replicas of his masterpieces (since many of the paintings are frescos, impossible to move). The show runs June 3 to September 5. Any artist should get the chance to see this exhibit.Tickets are... Continue Reading →