Angelina Hansen, who served on AdCom from 2010-2012, released her debut novel Julius Caesar Brown and the Green Gas Mystery on Friday, July 12 under the pen name of Ace Hansen. The book currently exists as an e-book, available online at Amazon, MuseItUp, Kobo, and Barnes and Noble; the hardcover version launches this fall. Congratulations,... Continue Reading →
More honors for our colleagues
I posted last week that Angelina Corallo Hansen walked away with this year's SCBWI Contemporary Novel Grant for her novel WHY I TOLD. But I failed to mention another honor for our people--a Letter of Merit for Nonfiction Research that went to Sharlene P. Nelson and Ted W. Nelson, who live in Federal Way.Great work,... Continue Reading →
Congratulations, Angelina C. Hansen
Some great news from up north: Angelina C. Hansen, who regularly attends our Bellingham Schmoozes, has won the SCBWI Work-In-Progress Grant for a Contemporary Novel. Her work-in-progress novel is titled WHY I TOLD.Here's her blog--read the post on her jump-up-and-down good news.And here's a link to the announcement on the SCBWI International website.Way to go,... Continue Reading →