Kidlit contest: submit your first 500 words

Mary at is holding a contest:Since the query contest worked out so well in October, I’m going to do another contest at the beginning of 2010… novel beginnings! That’s right, the beginning (up to 500 words) of your YA or MG novel!It’s too messy to have people post their entries in comments, so please... Continue Reading →

Another reason to seek an agent

Slush piles are starting to melt because publishers no longer want to pay to wade through them, according to the Wall Street Journal. (And yet, the same story claims Writers House gets 100 queries a month. Per day, maybe.)Anyway, it's an interesting read and covers both screenwriting and books. Here's the intro:In 1991, a book... Continue Reading →

Here’s a query for a YA novel

Kristin Nelson has posted this query on her blog:Dear Ms. Nelson:I am seeking representation for my completed 62,000 word young adult novel, IN MEMORY OF.Sixteen-year-old Cass McKenna would take the company of the dead over the living any day. Unlike her high school classmates, the dead don't lie or judge, and they're way less scary... Continue Reading →

Rubin Pfeffer becomes agent

Publishers Weekly has the scoop:Former publishing executive Rubin Pfeffer, who was most recently senior v-p and publisher of Simon & Schuster Children’s Publishing, has gone to the agenting side and is opening an East Coast office for the Los Angeles-based outfit, East/West Literary. Pfeffer has been brought on as an agent and partner, and will... Continue Reading →

Portrait of a successful query

Some of you who've traveled to international SCBWI conferences may have met the lovely Sydney Salter. Here's how she caught the attention of agent Ted Malawer:When I first started agenting, I was working as an assistant at Firebrand Literary, going through the slush—which, in our case, was electronic. With hundreds and hundreds of queries, it’s... Continue Reading →

Perspective on assessing agents

I found this on the Literary Rambles blog--it's a long post full of good advice on finding a good agent match. Here's the conclusion: Focus on legitimacy. Focus on sales and clients. Take all the time you might spend assessing details and create a really rockin' list of questions to ask an agent if they... Continue Reading →

Some brisk advice from Colleen Lindsay

Colleen Lindsay, who has been blogging at The Swivet, is changing directions with her blog. Her rationale contains good advice for writers:If you really want to read a blog only about agenting and getting published, this is not the place for you. Go visit Nathan Bransford and Rachelle Gardner and Jessica Faust; in my opinion,... Continue Reading →

What agent Jill Corcoran is looking for

Jill is a writer herself, a seasoned marketer, and now an associate agent at the Herman Agency. She's also very smart and a lot of fun. Here's what she's looking for in manuscripts these days:1. Young Adult realistic romance with authentic dialog that makes me yearn to be the main character.2. Paranormal MG or YA... Continue Reading →

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