Submit a Post Request

Want us to post about your upcoming event, class, or book release?

Just fill out the form below. Remember, we’re all volunteers, so please give us plenty of advance notice!

We will cut and paste this AS-IS directly into the post, so be sure to include the who, what, where, when, and why!
In a perfect world, what would be the ideal date for us to publish this post on the blog? (Please remember that this is a free service provided by volunteers, and there may also be conflicting post requests and other content to account for. We make no guarantees, therefore, but we’ll do our best.)
Is this event listed somewhere else, such as a bookstore website, library event page, or college course catalog? Tell us where to send readers to get more information, straight from the source:
Is there an image you’d like us to include in the post, perhaps a book cover or headshot? Please give us the specific link to the image file itself (not the page it can be found on):

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