Why did you become a children's book writer? Because (1) books saved this odd-duck, lonely kid and (2) because when I read Arnold Lobel’s Ming Lo Moves the Mountain to my children, I finally figured out what I wanted to do with my life: write books that hopefully might save other odd-duck lonely kids! Was... Continue Reading →
Weekend on the Water Interview: Author Illustrator Jennifer Mann
Why did you become a children's book writer and illustrator? I was working as an architect, and struggling with a bit of malaise regarding my career, when I rediscovered children’s books—one of the many perks of becoming a parent. So much amazing beauty and incredible writing—and artistic freedom! All of a sudden I realized that being... Continue Reading →
October Editor Extravaganza with Tiffany Liao!
Please join us for our season kick-off, Saturday, October 13, 2018 from 10:00 a.m. - noon in the Microsoft Auditorium at Seattle Public Library Central Branch. Tiffany Liao, editor at Henry Holt Books for Young Readers, will join us to speak about writing and thinking cross-culturally. To make the October meeting even more exciting, we’ll present the KISS (Keep... Continue Reading →
The Creative Salon comes to Facebook
Join the SCBWI WWA Facebook group, if you're not already a member, and you can take part in an online edition of the Creative Salon. A new prompt will be posted every Friday, so you have all weekend and next week to participate. (It's important to make creative stretching a priority. You can afford 20 minutes,... Continue Reading →
Interview: Author Christina Wilsdon on Nonfiction, Work-for-Hire, and Deadlines
Describe your most recent release in one sentence. It’s Ultimate Predatorpedia, a photo-packed nonfiction book for 7-to-10-year-olds (and older!) about predators from Aardwolves to Zorillas. What made you want to become a writer? I always loved to write and illustrate stories when I was little, but I never really thought about being A Writer until my sixth-grade... Continue Reading →
New book? Apply now for Inside Story
Do you have a new book out? If so, you may be eligible to present at Inside Story, our SCBWI region's biannual celebration of new books. We invite our membership, area booksellers, teachers, and librarians to hear two or three minute presentations from eligible PAL (Published and Listed) members.The deadline to apply for this season’s... Continue Reading →
Local Classes, Meet Ups, and Opportunities for Writers and Illustrators
September 19 The next nonfiction writers' coffee klatch will be this Wednesday, September 19th, and Third Place Books in Lake Forest Park. Questions? Contact coordinator Lisa Owens at [email protected]. And mark your calendars for the full schedule: Nonfiction Writers’ Coffee Klatch Wednesday, September 19, 2018, 10:00 AM Third Place Commons, Lake Forest Park The Writing... Continue Reading →
Congratulations, 2018-2019 SCBWI WWWA Mentees!
We are pleased to announce our mentees for the 2018-2019 Mentorship Program. In the program's second year, twenty one writers will work one-on-one with a published author to analyze every aspect of their manuscript for a six-month period. This year, we also have two winners of our Inclusivity Scholarship. They are Dolores Andral and Ruth... Continue Reading →
Weekend on the Water Retreat FAQ
2018 Weekend On The Water: Find Your Art / Life Balance. The 11th Annual SCBWI-WWA Weekend on the Water Writer’s and Illustrator’s retreat is happening on the first weekend in November, 2018. We’re so lucky that IslandWood Natural Learning Center on Bainbridge Island has opened their space to us ... It’s a fantastic facility, on... Continue Reading →
Passport Series Scholarships
This year, SCBWI WWA is pleased to offer Passport Series scholarships to those who might otherwise find it difficult to afford our meetings and webinars. Apply to enjoy a full year of amazing programming free of charge! To apply for a Passport Series scholarship, please send us a 250-word cover letter explaining why you’d like to be... Continue Reading →