Kid Lit Drink Night this Thursday (5/25)!

It's an excuse to hang out with authors and illustrators!  Meet us at the Roanoke Inn on Mercer Island (1825 72nd Ave SE, Mercer Island, WA 98040)  this Thursday for book talk, beverages and merriment. Will you have fun? The odds are good (and the goods are odd.). And someone send us pictures so we can... Continue Reading →

First Page Blitz webinar with Kat Brzozowski

The Houston SCBWI chapter is offering a first pages session with Macmillan editor Kat Brzozowski, and you won't even have to leave your couch! Webinar: First Page Blitz with Editor Kat Brzozowski June 20, 7pm to 8:30pm, Central time Are you ready to improve the chances of your work getting read by an agent or... Continue Reading →

2017 Crystal Kite Award winners announced!

?Congratulations to Janet Fox on her Crystal Kite Award for the Western division!? SCBWI members from Washington, Oregon, Alaska, northern Idaho, Montana, North Dakota, and South Dakota voted, and the spooky and wonderful The Charmed Children of Rookskill Castle took the prize. We tip our hats to all of the nominees and finalists, with a hearty... Continue Reading →

More May events

The book event season is winding down for summer, but we have a few more for May!  May 16: It's not kids' or YA books directly, but a lot of us struggle with writing anxieties, yes? William Kenower talks about Fearless Writing at Third Place Books, LFP.  May 18: Here's one for the middle grade... Continue Reading →

Heading to NCTE? Let us know!

SCBWI Western Washington authors and illustrators, heading to St. Louis for the NCTE Convention in November? Please let our Co-PAL Liaison, Laurie Thompson, know. Email her at [email protected] for possible SCBWI related activities. And, because this post is short and you may not know much about St. Louis yet-- There's a giant eyeball in Laumeier... Continue Reading →

Upcoming Illustration Class with Dana Sullivan

Dana Sullivan is teaching a two-Saturday Illustrating Children’s Books class at Green River College, Auburn. Two Saturday Sessions: 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. May 13 & 20. This crash course will include manuscript formatting, storyboards, making a book dummy and illustration techniques. Agents, editors and publishing also discussed. Great for any level of illustrator, from... Continue Reading →

SCBWI WWA Boffo Season Ender May 10th!

Thrills! Chills! Maybe a few Spills! Can this really be the end of our amazing season? YES! And this is an evening NOT to be MISSED! What’s the lineup? Illustrator Videos! It’s Studio Confidential time for writer/illustrators Liz Wong and Toni Yuly as they demonstrate their secrets to creativity on the big screen. Following the... Continue Reading →

Ben Clanton nominated for Eisner Award!

Congratulations are in order for our own Ben Clanton on his Eisner Award nomination for  Narwhal: Unicorn of the Sea!  ??? Narwhal: Unicorn of the Sea! has been nominated in the Best Publication for Early Readers category. See all of the categories here. Professionals in the comics industry should vote by June 16th, and winners will... Continue Reading →

Call for Education Proposals for the 2017 PNBA Tradeshow

Call for Education Proposals  For sessions to be offered at the 2017 PNBA Tradeshow Sunday, October 8 * Red Lion on the River, Portland, OR   85 BOOKSTORES * 300 ATTENDEES * 100 AUTHORS  The Pacific Northwest Booksellers Association will offer educational programming on the opening day of its annual Tradeshow, this year to be held at the Red Lion on... Continue Reading →

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