Reason #1 of the Top 5 Reasons to Register for Weekend on the Water 2019

Reason 1. Razorbill Executive Editor Ruta Rimas!

Although our retreat will focus on lots of productive work time, we’ll also enjoy an expert webinar by Razorbill Executive Editor Ruta Rimas.

You may remember her from early in her career, when she was a big hit at one of our retreats at Alderbrook on Hood Canal. She’s become the editorial rock star we knew she would, first at Balzer & Bray and then Margaret McElderry books, and now she’s now heading up Penguin’s Razorbill imprint, where she’s expanding that formerly “edgy YA” imprint to include middle-grade, graphic, and picture-book titles. 

Nothing online is nearly as up-to-date as what we’ll hear from her, so go learn more about the retreat or sign up here:

But in the meantime you can get to know her a bit from these historical interviews:

What makes great book?

Publishing Interviews with Ruta


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