Lois Harris writing class

Writing for Children: Polishing for a Successful Submission 
you have a rough draft of a children’s article or story? Improve and
revise your manuscript for submission by learning self-editing tips, the
correct format, structural elements, and important first-page
essentials. Learn how to research and choose the right magazine or book
publisher for your particular work, create an effective cover, proposal
or query letter and what to include, and how to keep track of your
submissions. Taught by Lois Harris, author of Maxfield Parrish: Painter of Magical Make-Believe.
Location: Skagit Valley College, Mount Vernon Campus. 
Dates: October 9, 2014 and October 16, 2014
(Thursdays) 6:30 PM to 8 PM
Cost: $49 
Register for 6089 CENGL 056.

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