November nudge

Are you ready for our next monthly programming meeting?

You won’t be disappointed. This coming month––
Thursday, November 20, to be exact––SCBWI WWA presents:

NONFICTION IS THE NEW BLACK: a Panel Discussion moderated by Laurie Ann Thompson (Be a Changemaker) and featuring nonfiction and fiction authors Lisa L. Owens (The Great Chicago Fire), Jim Whiting (NFL Today: Seattle Seahawks), and Trudi Trueit (Stealing Popular).

As if that wasn’t amazing enough on its own, Lois Brandt (Maddi’s Fridge) will discuss Marketing for Introverts. It’s sure to bring you out of your shell!

As before, all the magic happens at Seattle Pacific University, Demaray Hall 150.
TIME: 7–9pm

Passport holders: FREE
Non-passport holders: $9/SCBWI members; $15/non-SCBWI members

Mark your calendars! It’s the second-most important Thursday of November!

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