SCBWIWWA15: Ship Shape, Shape Up: The Picture Book and Its Forms Fiction Intensive with Carter Hasegawa

On Friday afternoon, April 17, 2015, Carter Hasegawa from Candlewick walked participants through the physical construction of a picture book and explained why there are fixed page counts in multiples of eight. Next, he talked about how they use those pages. Then, he passed out a text-only manuscript and asked attendees to paginate it. It was interesting to see where most of us agreed, and where we were more split, and to hear the reasoning behind the decisions.

Carter led us through an analysis Where the Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak. Then, he asked participants to analyze other well-known picture books and present to the room.

Lastly, participants were asked write an original picture book text in one of the following forms: diary entries, minimal words, wordless, or where the text and illustrations do not match. Brave attendees shared their off-the-cuff creations. Let me tell you, there were some pretty darn amazing 15-minute manuscripts! Way to go, SCBWI-WWA 2015 participants! 

And thank you, Carter Hasegawa!

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