Jolie Stekly extended a warm welcome to first-time attendees to our conference and packed it with helpful advice and encouragement.
She started by getting us acquainted with one another.
She reminded us that each and every one of us belongs here:
“If you’re able to be yourself, then you have no
competition. All you have to do is get closer and closer to that essence.” –Barbara Cook
She helped us set realistic, achievable goals for the conference.
She shared the nuts and bolts of conference etiquette (remember: editors and agents are people, too!) and of getting started in children’s book publishing.
First-time attendees are wearing blue ribbons on their badges that identify them, and return attendees who have volunteered to act as mentors have red ribbons that say “Ask me!” But, all attendees are asked to help make the newcomers welcome!
Thanks, Jolie!