Call for Mentors!

SCBWI WWA’s  Third Annual Mentorship Program 2019-2020 : Call for Mentor Proposals
Mentor an Aspiring Writer or Writer/Illustrator or an Illustrator! 

PAL members of SCBWI Western Washington are invited to submit proposals to our third annual mentorship program. We’re seeking creators who write, illustrate, or write and illustrate in any category of children’s and young adult literature, to work with our SCBWI members from October, 2019 to March, 2020. 
Our Mentorship Program Team will support you through the process.

What you receive:

  • Honorarium
  • Publicity to include your name, headshot, bio, website links, and/or book sales links on the SCBWI WWA website
  • Interviews on our chapter’s blog and promotions through our Facebook, twitter, and Instagram accounts
  • The gratitude of at least one new fan and friend within the SCBWI-Western Washington membership

What you need to do:

Proposal: The Mentorship

a) What are your publishing credits? Why would you be a good writing mentor? What are your areas of expertise?

b) What categories would you like to mentor? 
How often?

__Author-Illustration portfolio
__PB manuscripts (text only)
__Nonfiction proposal (pitch & three sample chapters)
__Chapter Books
__Graphic Novel
__MG manuscript
__YA manuscript
c) What skills/techniques are you prepared to help develop in your mentee
d) How will you communicate with your mentee? By phone, email, in-person?
e) What kind of critiques will you provide? Any limits on number of pages or projects?
f) Other information to support your proposal?
Note: the chosen mentor must not solicit business or monies from the mentee during the course of the mentorship.
The SCBWI-WWA Mentorship Coordinator will administrate the mentorship program announcements, collect and qualify submissions, and turn them over to you for judging and selection of the lucky mentees


  • You must be a SCBWI-WWA PAL member in good standing of SCBWI-Western Washington.
  • You must be an SCBWI member to apply.

Deadlines & Tentative Calendar:

Saturday, 03/23/19 Mentor proposals due by 11:59pm
Friday, 04/01/19 Mentors selected by SCBWI-WWA Advisory Committee
April 2019 – July 2019 Mentorship application program window, mentee applications collected
8/15/19 – 8/30/19 Mentors review applications and selects mentee
September 2019 Winning mentees announced
October 2019 Mentorship Reception conducted
October 2019 – March 2020 Mentorship Program Period
May 2020 End-of-term Mentorship Reception

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