Give the gift of writing!

Has your family started asking you what you want for the holidays?
Maybe you should start hinting about a novel revision class.
Lois Brandt’s novel revision class starts January 20th at Bellevue College (North Campus). 
Novel Re-Vision: Editing Your Manuscript for Story   
Tuesdays, January 11th – March 1st
6:30 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
you have a completed draft novel? Wondering what to do next? This class
walks writers through the novel revision process. In-class exercises
and critiques help students recognize the sections of their manuscripts
that convey story and those that don’t. During the course students will
compile a list of edits necessary to revise their novel. Prerequisite: a
completed draft novel. Fee: $195.00
For more information, please follow this link to the Bellevue College website:
If you have any questions about whether this is the right class for you, please feel free to email Lois ([email protected]).

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