You can’t hear Egmont USA editor Elizabeth Law speak without 1) cracking up; and 2) wanting to sit by her at the dinner table. Here’s a line from her interview with Shrinking Violet Promotions:
Just write your heart out. I promise you that’s what matters. I would much, much rather find a great, unusual, distinctive book by a phobic writer covered in oozing sores who lives in a closet than a decent but not amazingly original book by the world’s best promoter. I could sell the former a lot better, too.
To read the rest of the interview, in which she explains why writers should watch Project Runway and American Idol,click here.
(And be sure to read past that–to the blog post about Theodore the Tree by Nina Seven and Maribeth Stephens. They have events in Seattle planned!)
Thank you – I love the Shrinking Violet blog.