Some links from last night

What a great meeting we had last night featuring Lisa Schroeder and Liz Gallagher talking about the ABCs of crafting a career as a YA author, and Jolie Stekly talking about using music to tune your writer’s voice.

As the caffeine hasn’t yet made it to my brain, I post this with a warning…I’ll probably be updating it later. But here are some links to get you started with your learning today:

Lisa Schroeder Books and her blog

Liz Gallagher’s site and her blog–she has a great post up there now about finding your story’s emotional arc.

Liz is also the host diva for readergirlz, a teen-reading community that has its roots right here in our region. rgz just won a National Book Award for innovations in reading, and you’re all encouraged to join.

Jolie Stekly’s CuppaJolie.

And here’s the Bridget Zinn auction site. Please bid generously if you can. The user name is bridget and the password is rules.

As the holidays kick into gear, I’ll be a little lighter in my posts. Be sure to check out the ever-growing list of links on the left for inspiration, education, and fun.

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