Doug Keith in the NYT

Illustrator Doug Keith got nice praise this weekend in the New York Times.

By David Michael Slater. Illustrated by Doug Keith.
Simply Read. $16.95. (Ages 5 and up)
This wordless book begins perfectly, with an image of two bored siblings fighting on the sofa in Grandfather’s study while he looks on morosely. Then he opens a secret door leading to a cobwebby attic where a mysterious tome awaits: like characters in a wittier version of the Magic Tree House series, the brother and sister fall through the pages and into perilous adventures involving snow monsters and pirates. We get the message, and so do they.

To see all the reviews, go here.

Something worth pointing out: Doug and Rollin Thomas teach a class in children’s book creation at Pratt.

Jaime Temairik will be teaching one at the University of Washington this summer.

Peggy King Anderson teaches at Bellevue Community College.

Craig Orback teaches at a couple of spots.

We have a really strong region–if you want to boost your skills, consider taking one of these classes. You won’t regret it.

I’ll post updates about signups and the like in the blog, and keep links to available classes in the widget on the left-hand side of this page.

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