We Want You!

Call for Workshop Presenters
SCBWI Western Washington is seeking workshop
presenters for our 2017-2018
year. Our chapter
holds monthly meetings
from October through
May, and hosts an annual
conference each spring.
welcome fresh and compelling workshop ideas for any of these events!
Workshops may address topics relevant to potential attendees that include (but aren’t limited
to) the
craft of writing
and illustrating for children, book marketing, or the latest
industry trends. As a
presenter, you’re expected
to share information and experience, but may not use our events
as a
platform for commercial sales, self-promotion, political
discussions, or to criticize competitors or public

Workshop Categories

Mini-Sessions for our meetings
should be approximately 30 minutes long, which includes
10 minutes for questions and answers.
Main Programs
for our meetings should
be approximately 60 minutes long,
which includes
10-15 minutes for questions and answers.
Breakout Sessions for our annual
conference should be approximately 50 minutes long,
which includes
5-10 minutes for questions and answers.

Presenter Benefits

Complimentary access
to other workshops on the day of your presentation
Your books sold through
our on-site bookstore
and autographing time
Enhanced reputation as a knowledgeable industry resource
Improved profile
for your organization
The knowledge
that you’ve helped
writers negotiate obstacles you had to overcome
to get where you are
Significant discount
on full conference registration (for conference presenters only)
   For main program
presenters: $150, plus the following year of regional
programming. $75 if shared by two or $60 if shared by three panelists.
   For mini-session presenters: $75, plus the following
year of regional
meeting programming.
$40 if shared
by two or $35 if shared by three panelists.
   For a split
session of two 45 minute presentations: $100, plus the following year of regional
meeting programming.
May 22, 2017
To be considered as a workshop
presenter, please complete
the following application and return it to
the address indicated by May 22, 2017. Your application will be reviewed
by our Advisory Committee during
our annual
planning meeting in June. We’ll take into account
your presenting history,
the workshop’s relevance to

majority of our members and subscribers, and originality. We strive to balance
our programs
between craft, marketing, and topics of interest to the Kid Lit community, and we look for variety in speakers and topics from one year to the next.
If you are selected as a workshop
presenter, we will notify you. We will only contact
you if we are
interested in your workshop
(please don’t e-mail
to inquire). Occasionally we roll over applications that
have appeal but don’t work out for the current year, in which case you would hear from us during a different year to find out if you’re still
interested in presenting the workshop.
Presenters of successful submissions will be required to confirm their participation within 30 days of being notified and must adhere to SCBWI Western Washington speaking policies.

Download our form in .pdf or .docx.

Best of luck!


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