50 things you can do to promote your book for less than $50

Here’s the top of the list that’s running on Huffington Post (and thanks to Lee Wind) for the link:

These days it seems like everyone’s book marketing budget is a little tighter. If you’re feeling the pinch, or if you’re just looking for some great free stuff to do on your own, here are some tips that could help keep you on track.

1) Buy your domain name as soon as you have a title for your book. You can get domain names for as little as $8.95. Tip: When buying a domain always try to get a .com and stay away from hyphens, i.e. penny-sansevieri.com – surfers rarely remember to insert hyphens.

2) Head on over to Blogger.com or WordPress.com and start your very own blog (you can add it to your Web site later).

3) Set up an event at your neighborhood bookstore. Do an event and not a signing, book signings are boring!

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