Attention P.A.L. members: new school visit blog

Alexis O’Neill, regional advisor for the Ventura/Santa Barbara region of SCBWI, just launched a new site to help children’s authors & illustrators navigate the fun, but often confusing, world of doing school visits and public appearances.  It’s called:
The purpose of this blog is to offer advice to published children’s authors & illustrators on designing quality school visit programs and managing the business side of doing appearances.
Since 2006, Alexis has been writing a column for the SCBWI Bulletin called “The Truth About School Visits,” which has struck a chord with our published (and soon-to-be-published) members.  The blog expands on the practical advice experts share and offers visuals, forms and more so that you don’t have to reinvent the wheel.  Why Alexis? She knows schools inside out!  She does a hefty number of school visit presentations each year, is a former elementary school teacher with an M.S. in Instructional Technology and a Ph.D. in Teacher Education, and has training in drama and art.  She’s really good at scoping out terrific people who can offer guidance to us all. And we love her!
But this blog isn’t about her – it’s about tapping the experiences and knowledge of all kinds of school visit experts from across the country – and even across the world – to help you gain skills to create and deliver quality programs for audiences everywhere.
Jump on over, take a look, participate in the conversation – and sign-up to get the latest practical posts & handy resources.

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