SNO-ISLE LIBRARIES NEWS RELEASE: New classes at Sno-Isle Libraries have the write stuff
For the second year in a row, local writing and publishing experts are teaching dozens of classes on how to write, revise and publish that book that’s bottled up inside your head.
“In 2016, we presented 31 classes in our first ‘Write Now,’ series,” said Jackie Parker, Lead Librarian for Reader’s Services at Sno-Isle Libraries, which is sponsoring the classes. “The participants said they loved it; 95 percent said they learned helpful new stuff and 8 out of 10 said they were more confident about becoming involved in the writing community.”
“This year, we’ve lined up 46 classes that will run from July 11 to Dec. 4,” Parker said. All the classes are free and subjects range from choosing the right words to choosing the right agent. “We wanted classes that would help aspiring authors get started and accomplished authors get better,” she said.
Camille Griep is scheduled to kick-off the series with “Breaking the Rules of Writing 101” at 6 p.m., July 11 at the Granite Falls Library. “I start by talking about all things you hear from agents; what authors should do and shouldn’t ever do,” said Griep, a published author and editor of “Easy Street,” a literary magazine. “Then we discuss why authors break the rules, why it works and doesn’t drive readers crazy. We use real world examples.”
Some attendees will come with their manuscript and a problem, Griep said, adding, “It can become a collaborative brainstorming session.”
A number of the classes are focused on what it takes to get published with tips coming from the likes of Beth Jusino and Terry Persun. Jusino is a publishing consultant for both traditional and self-publishing authors and author of The Author’s Guide to Marketing. She is a member of the Northwest Independent Editors Guild and has taught at writers’ conferences across the country. Jusino’s class, “You Wrote a Book – Now What? Understanding Today’s Publishing Choices ,” will take a look at a modern writer’s publishing options, from “Big 5” traditional publishers to small presses to self-publishing to hybrid and other emerging models. Jusino is also presenting a second class, “Self-Editing Tips for Self-Publishing Writers,” where attendees will walk through a 46-point checklist of things to look for in their own work, from first draft to final layout.
Persun will teach “Get Published, Stay Published.” A prolific author and presence on Amazon, Persun’s class will cover everything from organization through how to contact editors and how to maintain a steady flow of content for publication. “Writing, like any other art, requires skill and creativity,” Persun says and attendees will hear the five specific things that can help writers get into the game and stay there.
Parker said she is excited about the opportunities for writers in the range of subjects and the expertise of presenters in this year’s “Write Now” series. “We know that writers almost always start out as big readers and that readers often want to be writers,” Parker said. “Whether you’re struggling with page one or you have a full manuscript in your hands, be it fiction, children’s, nonfiction, or if you just want to write your family’s history, there’s a session for you.”
Due to space limitations, some events require registration and are underlined in the online events calendar.