Children’s authors at Northwest Bookfest 2012

What better way to celebrate the beginning of a Northwest summer than to look ahead to fall? I mean, come on, people. Fall is the most reliable season around here. Take the quiz, and you’ll know what I’m talking about.

Fall means:

1) leaves, apples, harvest-y festivals
2) back-to-school mayhem
3) butts in chairs, books in hands
4) Northwest Bookfest
5) TV season premieres
6) all of the above

If you answered #6, you’ve won!  

(Prize: My deep respect.)

The second iteration of #4, our local bibio-ganza, themed “It’s Raining Books!,” is slated for September 22-23. It’s going to be the hottest ticket to hit Kirkland since, well, that Kirkland-based dude who was on The Bachelor and who broke up with his fiancee on live TV and subsequently married the runner-up he really loved all along.

But I digress.

This year’s Northwest Bookfest will feature children’s authors in a special tent in Peter Kirk Park in downtown Kirkland, and if you or someone you know is interested in presenting, contact Deborah Schneider, Public Programming Coordinator with the King County Library System.

Each author will receive, apart from glory and adulation from fans of all ages, a half-hour time slot for reading and interacting with their audiences. Children will be drawn to this particular area, since there will be kid-specific activities and puppet shows stationed nearby.

As before, the fabulous ParkPlace Books will serve as the anchor of the weekend, supplying the bookish with all manner of genres and editions, as well as the site of author signings.

For all the scoop on this year’s bookishness, and more complete information on how it’s all going to go down, check out the Northwest Bookfest website.

In the meantime, catch some rays (if even vicariously), and start planning your Kirkland getaway weekend in September!

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