Professional Series Passports for 2012-13 are here!

It’s that time again…..

Registration is now open for SCBWI Western Washington’s Professional Series Meeting (PSM) Passport and Special Events!

And you didn’t think it was possible to outdo last season? Well, we have.

The 2012-13 season promises to be well worth your while. For the ridiculously low price of $35, SCBWI members will have access to an incredible lineup of authors, illustrators, agents, editors, and special guests. Meetings will be held on second Thursdays, 7-9pm, at Seattle Pacific University’s Demaray Hall.

What you need to do:

* Purchase a Passport ($35 for SCBWI International members, $40 for non-members) and get more information about our upcoming season. You’ll save when you purchase a passport, since each meeting costs $8 (members)/$10 (non-members).

* Pay close attention to the special extra events; they fill up fast, so act quickly! Please note that only full-season passport holders will be able to register for these extras. They will also have priority for January’s Great Critique registration and February’s art portfolio tuneup session.

* Mark your calendars for the first meeting of the season, on Thursday, September 13, for agents/speakers Mandy Hubbard and Bree Ogden of the D4E0 literary agency.

Who’s coming?

Hopefully all of you! Looking forward to seeing everyone in September!

Anything else?

Um, actually, yes. Registration for our annual writing retreat is also coming soon…. Watch this space for more information.

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