Support Sandy Hook Elementary students with books

1) SCBWI’s Executive Director, Lin
Oliver, has learned through the Newtown Fire Department, that there’s a
desperate need for picture books for the kids who will be returning to school
after the new year. The Sandy Hook Elementary School community will
be setting up a temporary elementary school location at the middle
school, and since they are not moving the library, they’re in need of picture
books to stock their temporary library. SCBWI’s main office plans to donate
books, and invites individual regions to join in. We can help by gathering
new, appropriate, high-quality picture books over the next couple of
weeks, which we’ll send to Newtown after the first of the year.
If you’re attending the Great Critique on January 7th,
please try to bring a book to donate. While it’s not mandatory, we’d love to
see a high level of participation. If you’re not attending the Great Critique
but would like to donate, please contact me at [email protected] to make
arrangements. The easiest thing would be to deliver, or ship, books to my home
address in West Seattle. If that doesn’t work I may be able to put you in touch
with someone in your area who can get the books to me. 
2) Many of you know regional SCBWI member Richard Lorig and
his wife Steffanie. Steffanie is the Executive Director of Art with Heart, a
nonprofit whose mission is to empower youth in crisis through therapeutic books
and programs that foster self-expression. Art with Heart is currently soliciting
donations to reprint their grief book, with the goal of providing a copy for
each of the 555 students of Sandy Hook Elementary school. I can vouch for the
high quality of Art with Heart’s publications, and the work they do. To learn
more about Art with Heart and make a donation, please visit
––posted by Kerri Kokias

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