And now for some good news….

Let’s hear some applause for Royce Buckingham, whose novel The Dead Boys was among those nominated by the Washington Library Media Association for the 2014 Sasquatch Award!

Fantastic news, Royce!

Another of our members has taken the leap into crowd-sourced fundraising for a compelling nonfiction project: Craig Orback, along with Portland-based writer Trudy Ludwig, is writing a picture book about a teen survivor of the Holocaust. You can find out about this work in progress by clicking here.

Kathryn Dennis‘ and Melissa Mahle’s self-published middle-grade mystery, Lost in Petra, from their Anatolia Steppe series from SpyGirls Press got a starred review
from Publishers Weekly Select for Independent Publishers. The cover art is by Jeff James, who’s also a local SCBWI member.
Ack! I’ve been remiss: The children’s magazine
Underneath the Juniper Tree put together an anthology from work
published 2011-2012. They selected Jenn Chushcoff‘s story, “Kindling Kindness,” to be in
it. The anthology was part of an Indiegogo fundraiser and was
just shy of making its goal, that is, until an author stepped in to
finish funding the project. You might have heard of our benefactor––R.L.
Stine, the Goosebumps guy!
Mel Barnes shared information about the resource-full new blog she recently co-founded, called  
"Novels, News and Notes from your Northwest Neighbors." It features an Authors Page that lists YA 
authors who live in Oregon, Washington and the BC area. The blog also shares reviews, takes part in 
blog tours, posts author interviews, as well as lists all YA events happening in OR and WA. You can 
also follow this blog on Twitter: @NovelsNewsPNW.  
Tim Haywood, a recent SCBWI WWA member, shares the following: "I'm wondering if you'd mind 
posting a link to my blog on the Chinook Update site. I've been posting to it for about four years and 
I've got a fairly nice following. I've also done a few on-air commentaries for KPLU, a Seattle
NPR station." There you go, Tim, and keep on blogging!

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