Story Chairs event TOMORROW!

Some of the writers and music makers from the Story Chairs project
will gather at Jack Straw this Friday, June 7 at 7:00 pm to share our
work. Please join us for an hour of stories and music in the big studio.
There will be cool drinks, snacks and company to kick off your weekend.
Experience the Story Chairs if you haven’t yet had the chance!
Drawing by Dana Sullivan: Tina Hoggatt and Moe
WHERE: Jack Straw Productions, 4261 Roosevelt Way NE, Seattle, 98105

The Writers:
Kathleen Alcala, Gwen Demombynes, Gabriela Denise Frank, Willow Fox, Terry Garfield, Tina Hoggatt, Janel Kolby, Melissa Koosmann, Megan Vared, Judith Van Praag, Brenda Winter Hansen

The Music
Lucien La Motte

Some links in case you missed them this past month or so:
Check out a Jack Straw podcast about the project.

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