Novel-writing resource released

[Thanks to Martha Brockenbrough for passing this along!]

Darcy Pattison has written a book about how to start and write (and therefore complete) your novel.


Six Winning Steps Toward a Compelling Opening Line, Scene and Chapter

You want to write a novel, but you don’t know where to start. You have a
great idea and—well, that’s all. This book explains the writing process
of starting a novel in six winning steps.


  • Starting the Journey
  • Why Editors Focus on Page 1
  • STEP ONE: Clarify Your Idea
  • STEP TWO: Review Your Skills
  • STEP THREE: Plan the Opening Chapter
  • STEP FOUR: Plan the Opening Line
  • STEP FIVE: Now, Write!
  • STEP SIX: Revise

Writing teacher and author, Darcy Pattison, is the author of
NOVEL METAMORPHOSIS: Uncommon Ways to Revise,How to Write a Children’s Picture Book, and
The Book Trailer Manual. She brings extensive experience in
teaching writing to this exciting new book and helps you get started
with the creative writing process.


Use this book is in October to help you plan what to write in November!

Confidence to Begin Your Novel

  • 29 Plot Templates
  • 2 Essential Writing Skills
  • 100 Examples of Opening Lines
  • 7 Weak Openings to Avoid
  • 4 Strong Openings to Use
  • 3 Assignments to Get Unstuck
  • 7 Problems to Resolve The Math adds up to one thing: a publishable manuscript.


    In 1999, Darcy Pattison started working with fiction authors on revising
    their novels. In order to come to a Novel Revision Retreat, they needed
    a complete draft of a novel and we spent an intensive weekend revising.
    The results? Many published novels, including
    Hattie Big Sky by Kirby Larson, winner of the Newbery Honor award.
    Now, I am turning to beginning writers and bringing order to the writing
    process. If you start well, you have a better chance of writing a
    publishable manuscript—and needing fewer revisions. Start Your Novel is a
    natural extension of my teaching of fiction
    and will get you past the terror of the blank page.

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